Making Sure Your Dream Home
Doesn’t Become a Nightmare!
FAQ’s About Home Inspections


What does your inspection cover?

A standard inspection will cover the condition of the home’s central air conditioning/heating system, plumbing, electrical systems, appliances, the roof, attic, visible insulations, walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors, the foundation and structural components.

How long will the inspection take?

We take pride in our work and our customers to give a thorough and complete detailed home inspection, however, the average on-site inspection time is approximately 2-4 hours for a typical single-family home. These times may vary depending on the size, age, and condition of the home.

How long will it take to receive the inspection report once completed?

Our reports are typically 95% complete at the end of the inspection and generally emailed to you the same day, however, worse case scenario is 24 hours (excluding holidays) from the time we leave the inspection site.

Will I be able to attend the inspection?

YES. It is highly encouraged and recommended that you attend the inspection. This is a perfect opportunity for you to completely understand the inspectors findings and ask any questions you may have. If for any reason you are not able to attend the inspection then all findings from the inspection will be discussed with you during a phone conversation at your convenience.

Do you have Errors & Omissions insurance?

Yes. Professionals carry adequate insurance for emergencies or in case something goes wrong during the inspection process. We would be glad to send you a certificate of insurance upon your request.

Common Questions and Answers About Home Inspections


Are you wondering if it’s worth the investment to pay for a home inspection when you are looking at a home to buy? After all, it’s not required by the lender. So, is it really that important?

Home inspections are valuable tools for both buyers and sellers. It will let the buyer know the overall condition of the home. And, it gives the seller the same knowledge, so they can get the best price for their home.

Professional home inspections will validate the overall integrity of a home. While the (home) inspector may not find every issue that could be present, a basic inspection will cover the most important aspects of the home.

What is Involved in an Inspection?

A (home) inspector is getting as much knowledge as possible involving the six major areas of the home, all of which can either cause damage to the home if there are issues or be very expensive to repair or replace.

  • Foundation: They’ll be looking for cracks, leaks, drainage problems, or any other issues with the home’s foundation, basement, crawl space or slab areas.
  • Roof and attic: The wood frame in the attic, the ventilation requirements, as well as the durability of the roof will also be inspected for any signs of failure.
  • Electrical system: The inspector will also be looking at the wiring, breaker boxes, and the other electrical components of the home.
  • Plumbing: They’ll also be inspecting the plumbing system, making sure there aren’t any defective or outdated pipes or fittings causing any issues.
  • Interior: Cracked walls, water stains, sagging floors and ceilings, and other interior defects are what the inspector is hoping not to find. Interior issues can often be the cause of more serious problems.
  • Exterior: All of the exterior features of the home will be inspected, looking for signs of neglect or undue wear.

The inspector will also be looking at any alterations or changes to the home since the last inspection was performed, making certain that the work was done to code with the proper licensing requirements fulfilled.

Are There Other Times When a Home Inspections are Beneficial?

Home inspections typically come into play during the selling process of a home, but they can be useful for other reasons.

  • Homes will settle and age over time. If you’ve lived in your home for a few years, you could have a (home) inspector check it out, making sure that everything is still in great shape. Home inspections let you stay on top of any needed repairs in a proactive way, saving you money in the long run on potential emergency repairs.
  • It’s always a good idea to have your home inspected after any major catastrophe. Mother Nature does have her way of challenging the integrity of our homes.
  • An inspection is even helpful with new home construction, where shoddy workmanship, construction issues, or even malfunctioning home features could come into play.

Can I Get a More Detailed Inspection?

While the inspection will give you a good idea about the overall condition of the home, there could be some other aspects that you would like more information on. You can usually coordinate any other inspections with the basic home inspection.

  • If you are looking at a home with a septic tank system, a separate inspection would be a good idea. The tank itself could last forever. But, the drain field will not. And, replacing a septic drain field can cost several thousand dollars.
  • Some areas are more prone to radon than others. Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that is generated naturally beneath the earth and released into the atmosphere. It’s a health hazard for most people if too much is inhaled. And, there’s no way to get rid of it although there are mitigation methods that will lessen its concentration in the air. A home radon inspection will easily detect any issues.
  • You could also have a pest inspection performed. The basic inspection will look at areas on the home’s exterior and interior, making sure that there aren’t any structural defects conducive to a pest infestation. But, a pest inspection will look much deeper, making sure there aren’t any issues with current or past infestations.
  • You could even have the property inspected, assessing the condition of the land itself.
  • You would want to have separate inspections for certain outside features like swimming pools, hot tubs, detached garages, and other structures.
  • If there is a sprinkler system, it would be a good idea to have it inspected as well.
  • Any home alarm systems could be professionally inspected.
  • And, major appliances, intercoms, central vacuums, antennas and satellite dishes, along with other household features typically aren’t a part of a basic inspection.

Should I Pay for an Inspection if the Seller Already Had One Performed?

In a perfect world, we could trust everyone. But, that’s just not the case. It’s always a good to have your own inspection done. And, if your information doesn’t match the sellers, that would be a red flag for other potential trust issues with the home.

Should I Be with the Inspector?

If possible, it’s a great idea to tag along. You will get to see firsthand exactly what the inspector is looking at. And, if there are any issues, you’ll be able to see the scope of the problem. If you aren’t able to participate in the inspection, the home inspector will be taking pictures to validate their report. But, there is nothing like seeing everything for yourself.

What if the Inspection Report Shows Negative Issues?

Of course, you’re hoping that the inspector doesn’t find any major issues. But, if problems are found, depending on how severe they are, they will probably affect the final selling price of the home. Or, the seller could pay for any needed repairs. That’s the beauty of investing in a professional home inspection. There won’t be any surprises after the closing.

If the Report Shows Issues, Can I Get Out of the Sale?

Typically, that’s the point of having the inspection done in the first place, and most contracts will take this into consideration. If problems are found during the inspection, buyers and sellers can sometimes renegotiate the terms of the contract. But, the contract should be able to be cancelled if they aren’t able to agree on the terms.

What Will I Pay for an Inspection?

It all depends on the size of the home. The average cost is roughly $350.00, a little less for a smaller home and a little more for a larger one. Any additional, more detailed inspections usually won’t cost more than a couple hundred dollars.

Are Home Inspectors Licensed?

Most states have stringent requirements for licensing home inspectors. Your homeowner’s insurance company or your real estate agent can usually give you the best advice for finding a qualified inspector.

Are Home Inspections Required for Homeowners Insurance?

More and more insurance companies are requiring home inspections before issuing homeowners insurance policies. So, even though you won’t need an inspection to secure a mortgage, you could need one for insurance. And, you will need homeowners insurance to be approved for the mortgage.